KayJay Security provides comprehensive security training courses for local and international establishments. KayJay Security Management Courses offers the opportunity for you to gain accreditation for your developing management skills from content which you cover in your workplace within the security sector every day. The program is designed to meet the needs of established and aspiring managers within the security and related industries. The program has been developed with the active support and involvement of industry practitioners.
KayJay offers short term security courses that encompass 2 working days to intense programs that takes up to 15 working days. Our well trained officers conduct the respective courses at the client's location.
The courses cover some of the following key areas:
- Health and Safety policy and procedures
- Security Legislation
- Principles of budgets and budgetary control
- Principles and application of contingency planning
- Disaster recovery
- Electronic security
- Risk analysis
- Recruitment and selection
- Team building and leadership
- Conflict management
- Project planning
- Stress management
Kay Jay Security conducts training that exceeds that of any of our competitor’s programs. The knowledge of our management team is passed on to our new employees. In addition to the Ministry of Defense mandated certification courses, Kay Jay Security personnel must attend company training programs which will be conducted to give the appropriate knowledge below.
- Uniforms : Confirmation of uniform standard. Training will be conducted on how to wear their Uniforms properly as per KayJay Standards. If the quality of Uniform is not of the required standard new Uniforms will be issued.
- ID : ID Cards will be provided by KayJay.
- Standing Orders : Read and explaining the provisions of the Standing Orders to the Security Cadres of that Unit with instruction to strictly adhere to same.
- Punching Procedure : Instructed on the procedure of Guard Tour Punching.
All Security Cadres will be given proper briefing and instruction on the following :-
- Manner of saluting and giving due respect to the Management Officials by saluting when entering and leaving the premises.
- Of their duties and responsibilities of being a Security Cadre.
- To record all incidents in the IB clearly and legibly on a day to day basis so as to enable the Management, CM and DO to have a proper track of all activities taking place in their Units.
- The need to co-ordinate with the Management and act according to the instruction given by them.
- On their basic security duties.
- On the need to comply with the orders and instructions given by the Management in addition to the provisions of the Standing Orders formulated by the Security Management.
- To be in Uniform at all times with the Barrettes worn properly.
- Body frisking and ensure proper physical checking towards detection.
- On procedure relating to Gate Passes. All Gate Passes should be checked with Tally Sheets to make sure that the Gate Passes and the Tally Sheets are written correctly when the vehicles are leaving the premises.
- Empty Lorries and other Vehicles should be checked by the Security when Entering and Leaving the premises.
- Issue Gate Passes to all Drivers, Cleaners and Contract Workers.
- When any outsider enters the premises during Holidays permission should be obtained from the Management.
- Make sure that the Main Gate is closed and secured at all times.
- Security should pay utmost attention during loading and unloading operation.
- Punching procedure to be adopted by the Security.
- Handling of Visitors & Customers.
- Not to allow any unauthorized person/s to enter the premises and keep the Client Management informed of any such entry by force.
- Patrolling the premises to ensure that no untoward incidents take place within the premises.
- Procedure relating to Visitor/s – Manner of greeting them and direct them to the proper Section or Officer concerned.
- Checking of Vehicle for detection of stolen items if any.
- Handling of mails by recording all mails received in the Register and deliver to the Officer concerned without delay.
- Proper manner of answering Telephone calls by being polite & courteous irrespective of the identity of the Caller.
Fire Training
- What is Fire
- Cause of Fire
- Composition of a Fire
- Action to be taken
- Type of Fires
- Fire Drills and Evacuation System
- Agents involved in combating Fire – Police, Army, Fire Brigade, First Aid/Rescue Team, Head Count by HRM, Assembly Point and Evacuation of Casualties & Hospital authorities.
- How to obtain the services of the following - A List containing the contact Nos. of the above Institutions & Management Officials.
- Preventive action taken - Activate the Fire Alarm, disconnect Electricity supply & inactivate the Generator, attempt to bring the Fire under control and assist the other parties to do so, evacuation of people from the place of Fire, close all doors and windows to prevent the Fire from spreading, inform the local Police and record the incident in the IB legibly and correctly. Time factor important.
- Details of Fire Equipments to be used and Identification - CO2 , Dry Powder, Foam & Water CO2 .
- To be conversant with the – Location of Fire sump, Fire Alarm, Fire equipments, Fire Panel Board, location of emergency exit doors & keys.
- Fire drill
- No outsider should be allowed to enter the area of Fire.
- Physical protective measures- Water clogging in the premises be notified to the Management. Any defects in the drainage system to be notified to the Management.